
Investor FAQs

About the Company

Where can I find information about the company?

Where can I find information about the Board of Directors?

What is Annaly’s corporate governance structure?

How do I get a copy of the Annual Report?

Reverse Stock Split

Where can I find more information about the reverse stock split?

Stock Information

Is Annaly publicly traded?

What is Annaly’s CUSIP number and ISIN number?

How can I get the current Annaly stock price?

What is the difference between the preferred and common stock?

What is the difference between preferred shares F, G and I?

Where can I find the CUSIP information for Annaly’s preferred shares?

Can I purchase stock directly from Annaly?

Financial Reporting

Where can I find copies of Annaly’s SEC filings and financials reports?

When will the next financial results be announced?

Where can I find more information about the name change of Annaly’s non-GAAP earnings measure from Core Earnings (excluding PAA) to Earnings Available for Distribution?

Dividend Information

Does Annaly pay a dividend and where can I find dividend information?

Does Annaly have a Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRIP)?

Tax Information

Where can I find tax information?

Are Annaly dividends classified as “qualified dividends” for tax purposes or “ordinary income”?

Does Annaly issue a 1099 or a K-1 and when is it released?

Contact Information

What is the Annaly phone number?

How do I contact Annaly’s transfer agent? Who should I contact regarding my stock certificate?